RailsGame Protocol Specification

RailsGame protocol is based strongly on Juggernaut protocol, as you'd expect. Juggernaut's protocol consists primarily of JSON objects delimited by NUL characters. A NUL character is a single zero byte in the output stream.

On Startup

When the game server starts up, it should connect to the Juggernaut server with a TCP/IP socket. The server location is normally stored in the file "juggernaut_hosts.yml" in a standard YAML format. Most frequently, the server will default to being on localhost, port 5001. It's good if your gameserver has some way to configure that, whether that's juggernaut.yml or another way. Environment variables and command-line parameters would also be fine.

After connecting, the game server should send a "subscribe" command on the "action" channel. That command will tell Juggernaut to send your server everything that comes across on the "action" channel, which is all client actions, including logins and logouts. Normal clients aren't allowed to subscribe to this channel for security reasons.

The subscribe request is a standard Juggernaut request. You'll need to set your client ID to "gameserver" and the session ID to a shared secret, shared between your game server and the Rails server. The shared secret is normally passed as an environment variable, or it can be given to your server via a file, environment variable or command-line parameter.

A serialized subscribe request looks roughly like this: '{"client_id": "gameserver", "channels": ["action"], "command": "subscribe", "session_id": "mysharedsecret"}'. You'll need to change "mysharedsecret", of course. The single-quotes on the outside show the start and end of the structure, but the double-quotes are literal -- you should include them as actual double-quotes. There will be a NUL character after the final curly-brace. You can serialize the fields in any order -- it's just a JSON object.

Incoming Data

At its simplest, the incoming data is limited to client-initiated actions. Those are actions, logins and logouts.

An incoming command might look like this: '{"body":"...", "signature":"ba6b219dfbfb89ec479c668e075099d15", "id": "1"}', except that instead of "...", the body will have a serialized JSON object as the body. The signature is a security signature from the Juggernaut server -- ignore it or verify it, as suits you.

A body for a subscribe command might look like this: '{"objects": "say huh", "type": "action", "verb": "parse", "client": "angelbob"}'. That tells you it's a parse action, and "objects" is the object of that action. The client sending the parse command has the account name "angelbob". A login or logout action is similar -- the client field is who is logging in or out, the type is "action" and the verb is "login" or "logout".

Outgoing Data

Most outgoing data will be a broadcast to specific client IDs, though other juggernaut modes like broadcast-to-channel are also allowed.

A Juggernaut broadcast to a specific client ID looks like this: '{"client_ids": ["angelbob"], "type": "to_clients", "session_id": "mysharedsecret", "body": "javascript_function()", "command": "broadcast"}'. Within the square brackets, "client_ids" may have a comma-separated list of double-quoted client names, such as '["bob", "mary", "sue"]'.

The body (javascript_function() above) will be executed as JavaScript on the receiving webclient(s). A current broadcast body might look like this: try {add_world_output("You say to yourself, \"huh\". <br />")} catch(e) { alert('Error!'); throw e }. This would call the function "add_world_output" with the text you see inside the parantheses. The JavaScript function will be defined by the client HTML that the client was sent initially from the Rails server, or could have been sent earlier by the game server.

Sequences of Interactions


Browser-Initiated Logout

Browser Sends Action

Game Server Action