An Introduction to DGD:
- Introduction
- History of DGD
- Setting up DGD
- Why DGD?
- A Quick Tutorial and Introduction
- DGD, Old Tools and Convenience
What Unusual Things Does DGD Do?
- DGD and Paths
- Types of Objects
- Functions and Program Structure
- Inheritance
- Atomic Functions and How to Use Them
- Ticks, Stack and rlimits
- Caller-Based Security
- Object Upgrades and call_touch
- What’s Unexpected?
Configuring DGD and the Cloud Server
- The Auto and Driver Objects
- Object Management
- The Error Manager
- Users and Resources
- The Configuration File
- Networks, Connections and Users
An LPC Language Reference:
- Control Flow
- Strings and String Handling
- Types, Operators and Expressions
- Functions
- Calling Functions on Yourself and Others
- Arrays and Mappings
- Call-By-Value and Call-By-Reference
- The Preprocessor
- Errors, Callers and Stack Traces
No current place in the outline:
- Character escapes
- The code command, in depth
- Wiztool commands
- DGD’s Editor
- parse_string
- Cloud Server driver and auto objects - what functions do they provide?
- the Kernel Library’s full security model - maybe in sections by files, compiling objs, kfuns, etc.
- all the kfuns